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2003 Playoff Class Out Look

Every year the IHSA releases it's football enrollment numbers & before the season even has it's first kick off fans, writers & coaches start looking at how the playoffs may break down come October.

While outlooks don't affect the actual playoff picture (the IHSA bases everything on victories then enrollment, at the regular season's end) it does lead to a certain confusion.

Last year Edwardsville (H.S.) was placed in the 8A poll all year and their repeat trip to the 7A title game had many wondering why they weren't ranked all season. Teams in the 5, 6 & 7A brackets in 2001 where shocked to see each of the Catholic Metro's power housesChicago (Mt. Carmel),New Lenox (Providence)&Joliet (Catholic)land in separate classes when a preseason outlook placed them all in 6A. Some public fans even cried conspiracy.

With eight classes & over 550 schools with a football program, nothing short of a divine gift could help one predict the layout of the playoff brackets. But with a little bit of research and some common sense one could get a lot closer than the IHSA did when it released it's own class out look for 2003.

While we didn't whittle out the teams that most likely will not make the 2003 playoffs, we did at least take out the teams that can't make the playoffs regardless

Below is our list of the the 520 teams eligible for the IHSA playoffs. Removed are 32 teams from the Chicago Public League who are ineligible. After those teams were remove from the list IHSFW broke it down to 8 levels of 65 teams each.

While we don't promise that this will definitely be the class structure, we do thing it will shed some light on the playoffs.

IHSFW.com's 2003 class out look
Click here

by Vincent Johnson

Teams removed from the out look, because they are not eligible for the IHSA playoffs.

Chicago (Amundsen)
Chicago (Farragut)
Chicago (Hyde Park)
Chicago (Clemente)
Chicago (Kelvyn Park)
Chicago (Schurz)
Chicago (Lindblom)
Chicago (Carver)
Chicago (Bronzeville)
Chicago (Englewood)
Chicago (Phillips)
Chicago (Lake View)
Chicago (Bowen)
Chicago (Hope)
Chicago (Orr)
Chicago (Taft)
Chicago (Sullivan)
Chicago (Washington)
Chicago (Gage Park)
Chicago (Foreman)
Chicago (Kennedy)
Chicago (Lincoln Park)
Chicago (Senn)
Chicago (South Shore)
Chicago (Kelly)
Chicago (Juarez)
Chicago (DuSable)
Chicago (Tilden)
Chicago (Payton)
Chicago (Roosevelt)
Chicago (Agricultural Science)
Chicago (Dyett)
Chicago (Harlan)
Chicago (Brooks College Prep)
Chicago (Calumet)
Chicago (King)


























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