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Roh Bohm
Walnut H.S.

Position: DL
H.S. Graduation: 1982
College: University of Illinois

Bio: Ron was a starting defensive lineman for 3 years, playing on the 1984 Rose Bowl Squad and the 1985 Peach Bowl squad. Ron went undrafted after Illinois, but tried out with a few NFL clubs. In 1987 he became a member of the St. Louis Cardinals as a defensive tackle during the players strike.

Walnut is a small town south of Sterling. It's population is about 2000 people. Walnut High had an average enrollment of about 130-150 students. Current Walnut students attendManlius (Bureau Valley)

Pro Career: Played with the St. Louis Cardinals as a DT in 1987, as a replacement player during the strike, where he remained through the entire season.

Player updated; Tue 09-Aug-2005 2:33 PM

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